After spending the last two years working on the YWAM Podcast and producing 55 episodes I’m feeling in a bit of funk about it.

Don’t get me wrong, I know that God has called me to be a missions communicator to tell others about what God is doing in Youth With A Mission around the world. I am not questioning God’s call on my life, I love what I am doing and feel very blessed to be able to do it. The team I work with is great, even though they are on the other side of the world.

Despite knowing God’s call on my life I’m still struggling. One of the articles that I read recently had the following quote in it that really spoke to me:

The real battle is when the lie comes: “There is no point to what you are doing, you are not making a difference”

The audio recording that you can listen to above probably describes better what I’m thinking than my writing does. In talking with others both inside and outside of YWAM I am not the only one involved in communications feeling like this.

Your prayers for renewed vision and passion would be appreciated…

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4 Responses to Podcast Burnout – Needing Renewed Vision

  1. I remember hearing someone share about good habits for people in ministry. One of those suggested habits was to have at least one concrete hobby.

    Ministry involves a whole lot of sowing without necessarily seeing the fruit of one’s labor. The fruit can take years or even decades to manifest!

    But if you have a hobby of building models you can begin and end the project and SEE the results in an easily measurable way.

    In ministry sometimes you have to go on faith that God has told you to do it as your only thing to grip!

    Of course, you (Bill) already know that. I thought I’d just write it down for anybody passing by. 🙂

    Anyways… I relate to what you are talking about. May God grant you the fresh fire that we all need at times!

    On another note… You inspired me to take the time to get my own podcast set up. All the content is really old but at least I have it set up and ready to go now!


  2. Thanks for the reminders Jon, and I’m glad to hear that you are starting up your own podcast!

    For the moment I have put the podcast on hiatus for this month. In March we will look at a relaunch, hopefully with some changes that will make it more sustainable.

  3. […] want to have my own Dad podcast, but that is a long way off as I’m not even managing the YWAM Podcast very well at the moment.) Bobblehead Dad is a great podcast, with some good thoughts from the host, […]

  4. […] I have previously written about how I have felt burnt out and in a funk about my podcasting endevours over at the YWAM Podcast. As part of overcoming this feeling of burnout I am actually considering launching a new personal podcast […]

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