As believers Jesus tells us that, “In the world you will have tribulation.”. In that same verse though he tells us to, “take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33).

Whether it be the isolation caused by the Covid virus, or the unrest that is happening around the world, it can be far too easy to fall into a place of depression and navel gazing. That is one of the reasons I reckon I have struggled to put out another episode of the YWAM News Show in the last few months. It’s been a struggle for me to know what to talk about and what to focus on during this time …

While meditating on how to work out of this “funk” I was reminded of Philippians 4:8, which says:

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

One of the main things that I did to try to work my way out of this was to quit Facebook for about a month.

That in and of itself was a bit of a relief. Facebook can be so many different things, so since I got back on it I’m doing what I can to make a place where I will actually be uplifted, rather than dragged down. This includes:

  • Culling or muting some “friends”
  • Un-following many pages
  • Leaving some groups
  • Adding a filter to my browser that removes posts that contain certain terms from my Facebook feed

It’s not enough to pull out the weeds, we also need to plant something good to grow. We need to think about the things that God tells us to think about. To review what those are:

  • Whatever is true
  • Whatever is noble
  • Whatever is right
  • Whatever is pure
  • Whatever is lovely
  • Whatever is admirable

In addition to trying to weed my Facebook “garden”, I’m also working on reducing main stream media consumption, and instead consuming content that is uplifting, like the video that was in my last post.

YWAM Global Communications

Despite there not being a YWAM News Show recently, I have continued to work on the YWAM Global Prayer letter, sending that out each month to over 10,000 people, and distributing it as an audio letter / podcast as well. We spent two months praying for the Coronavirus, and then last month praying about online evangelism.

I have also been listening to uplifting music as often as I can. So before I head to bed tonight I want to leave you with this song and story. I hope you will find as uplifting as I do and see what God can do through all of us …

I for one and looking forward to connecting again with the people at Church, and chatting with some of the other parents at our children’s school once we are allowed back on the school grounds. Isolation isn’t good for any of us …

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2 Responses to Focus on God, Not the Problems

  1. JR says:

    Excellent tips! I’ve “culled” the herd on FB recently too. I use the “F.B. Purity” chrome add-on to filter out topics. Great advice. #WithLoveFromMinnesotaUSA

  2. Faye says:

    Hi Bi

    Loved reading this, and hearing that version of “Amazing Grace.”
    How hard is it to filter “not uplifting” things from our lives and minds and thoughts?
    I can relate to what you have written in a big way.
    To produce a regular on line whatever must be difficult at times. Maybe it could be better to do less rather than more and know you have written exactly what God wants you to write rather than to feel the pressure of writing “because you have to.”
    Love from Faye.

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