Back in February a message was shared our local church, Seeds Uniting Church, in the service about fasting. Here are some of the notes that I took during the service…

  1. Don’t become so full of the world, that you aren’t hungry for God.
  2. What are you so full of, that you aren’t hungry for God?
  3. When you say “NO” to something, you need to fill that space with something else, something better for you …
  4. Do you view the Bible and God through the world, or do you view the world through the Bible and God?

I don’t know about you, but there are sometimes that I feel like I miss out on the main point of a sermon or teaching, but God uses that time to teach me something else instead…

Like many people do, I use my phone as my alarm clock. This can be “dangerous” since as soon as I pick up my phone to turn off, or snooze, my alarm, I have instant access to social media, news, and email. That can be useful for finding out things like what the weather will be during the day, but it can also be a HUGE distraction…

I am challenged by the fourth point that I wrote down from the service, am I viewing the world through God and the Bible, or am I viewing God and the Bible through the world?

By starting my day with social media and news from the world, how am I setting myself up for the day?

This reality has was a bit of a revelation for me at that time. I know that social media and some news can trigger my anxiety, and distract me during the day. There has to be a better way to start the day…

The last thing that I wrote on that page of notes from the service was this:

Start each day with a Bible verse, not social media / email / etc.

Upon getting home that day I set-up the Bible App on my phone to pop up with the “Verse of the Day” every day at 7:00 am. It doesn’t seem like a big thing, but it is now the first thing I see on the phone in the morning after the alarm. Although small, it helps to put me in a better frame of mind each day.

Hebrews 12:2 Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith…

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