2022 was an interesting year for our YWAM ministry. The podcasts that I produce have been downloaded over 50,000 times in the last year, and there have also been many views of the various video versions.

We have continued to distribute the YWAM Global Prayer guide every month to around 30,000+ subscribers, in up to 8 different languages. We have covered many different topics as a mission, including:

  • Creation Care
  • Survivors of Human Trafficking
  • The Ukraine Conflict
  • Migrants and Refugees

It’s always encouraging to hear feedback from the prayer day, with how some the different locations around the world prayed.

November 2022 YWAM News Show

In the middle of they year I tried to restart the YWAM News Show as a live video production. I was able to put a few together, but as I’m operating on my own I found that I had bitten off far more than I could chew. I understand why most of the shows you see on YouTube have an entire crew working on it.

This year I am continuing to work on my own, but will be trying to put together a video news show without the live aspect. That will hopefully make production easier as I will be able to do it in post-production, instead of doing a lot of pre-production and live producing.

Finances and Support

Like many at the moment, our finances are very tight. Our expenses have increased, and at the same time we have lost significant financial support over the last two years, including from my original sending church in Canada.

To help make up the difference I have had to take on other work, which at the moment is repairing, rebuilding, and selling used PCs. It’s a bit of a throw back to my first full-time job out of high-school, but it is helping us make ends meet.

Everyone in Youth With A Mission, from the newest student to the International Founders, are all volunteers, and are responsible for raising our own support and finances to do the ministry that God has called us to. We are currently supported by family and friends like you, and would like to ask if you would prayerfully considering joining our ministry support team.

If you want to know about how to partner with us, or would like to donate directly, you can find out more on our web-site.

Family Update

2023 has Caleb entering his third year of university, studying Computer Science. And yes, he is taller than me now!

Jessica will be entering year 11 this year. She is excited to be able to choose more of her own subjects this year, and is looking forward to woodworking, photography, outdoor education, childcare, and fashion design subjects.

Elijah is going into year 6, his last year of primary school. His favourite subjects are still lunch time, recess, and physical education. He’s hoping for there to be a soccer team this year, which Caleb and I helped coach last year. Hopefully there will be enough players again.

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