It’s quite amazing what a little bit of ingenuity, passion and teamwork can accomplish…

I reckon that it’s hard to watch a story like that and not be inspired by what can be accomplished. There are a lot of lessons that can be taken from that video.

I wanted to actually have a look at a few of the YWAM Foundational Values through the eyes of watching that video:

  1. Be Visionary
  2. Championing Young People
  3. Function in Teams

 Be Visionary

The boys on that team didn’t just sit around and wait to be told what to do. They didn’t worry about how it could be done, they set out to do it and accomplished something pretty remarkable.

Championing Young People

There were no adults involved in the initial stages of the project, but when the time came for the team to head off to their first tournament they were “championed” along with the uniforms and with a cheer squad.

Function in Teams

Clearly none of it would have been possible if the kids didn’t act as a team. They had to pull together in the game and in the building of the soccer pitch. Without teamwork none of it would have been possible.

The video was produced by the TMB Bank in Thailand as part of their “Make The Difference” campaign.  It’s based on a true story that took place in the village of Koh Panyee, Thailand in 1986.

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One Response to Inspiration from The Panyee Thailand Football Club (Panyee FC)

  1. Alison says:

    Loved this post. The video is so good. Great way to teach on these 3 foundational values! It would be great for a base to use when introducing a DTS to the values. Thanks for passing along!


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