Drafting in Missions

My favourite subject in high school was drafting. In grade 12 I even won a desk and scholarship in a city wide competition put on by one of the technical institutes in Calgary. Drafting however was something that I never pursued after I graduated high school in 1994.

One of the advantages of being in YWAM for as long as I have is that I have the opportunity to meet many people from around the world, with many different skills and expertise. One of the people that I worked with at YWAM Townsville for many years was trained in design and architecture. She never had the opportunity in Townsville to use that training, but since leaving YWAM she has gone on to use those skills in very exciting ways.

Something that would be evident to most missionaries around the world is that often there is a lack of quality and dependable facilities. This is where drafting, architecture and design skills can be used on the mission field …

100 Fold StudioThere are many missions fields around the world in need of design, architecture, and drafting. One non-profit architecture firm that is taking up this challenge is 100 Fold Studio out of Lakeside, Montana.

In describing why they choose to serve God through architecture this is what they have to say:

We believe that all people deserve safe, efficient & inspiring structures regardless of their ability to afford an architect. Also, quality design does not create additional costs. Our local & international projects have proven that a well-designed building can be affordable – literally saving millions of dollars. Through innovative design, limited resources can be multiplied towards serving people and sharing the Gospel.

As the Gospel advances, new orphanages, schools and churches require a building. Most ministries & churches will need an architect to meet local requirements for safe structures. 100 Fold Studio guides pastors & missionaries through complex design decisions, so they can stay focused on their outreaches and make wise decisions for the future of their ministries.

100 Fold Studio is engaged in architectural projects around the world, including:

  • El Salvador – Orphanage
  • Zimbabwe – Learning Centre
  • Cambodia – Campus Master Plan
  • USA – Missions Centres
  • Togo – Soccer Complex
  • Haiti – Agricultural Training Centre
  • Thailand – Accommodation

There are also other projects in various stages of development around the world including Israel and Uganda.

If you have training in the area of architecture, drafting, and design and want to use those skills in missions I would highly recommend checking out 100 Fold Studio to find out more about their ministry…

Photo credit: B Rosen / CC BY-ND

Stern Looks.
Neil. Moralee / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND

Over on nosuperheroes.com Chris Lautsbaugh has written a great article talking about “Miserable Servants“. We all know the type, they are the people who are serving faithfully in ministry, but never seem happy about it…

Although I really don’t like to admit it, I have been that grumpy servant at times. Whether through being overworked, over committed or simply burnt out, I’ve been there and done that …

Chris lists some great ideas about dealing with miserable servants, including:

  1.  Tell them “You don’t have to do this.”
  2. Get to the root of their motivation
  3. Find out if they want to server
  4. Limit their service
  5. Love them or ask them to leave

Chris expands considerably on each of those points in his article and I would recommend that you check it out for yourself.

The Accidental MissionaryIn this episode of The Accidental Missionary Podcast I reflect on a book that I have been reading and challenged by called “Don’t Waste Your Life” by Dan Carlin. With this, and other things that have been occurring in my life, I feel that God has been confirming and reminding me about what God wants me to be doing, and where He wants me to putting most of my effort…

My last few weeks have been spent editing different audio teachings on the YWAM Teaching Podcast. This year we have released different teachings by:

  • Loren Cunningham
  • Darlene Cunningham
  • Joy Dawson
  • Winkie Pratney
  • David Hamilton
  • Jim Stier

Podcast Recommendations

A great podcast that I have been listening to recently for some spiritual input and teaching is the Feeding My Faith Podcast by Dave Jackson.

My Last Five in Five

Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper (affiliate link)Lately I have been personally challenge a lot with how I spend my time, and where I put my effort. It is too easy to get distracted with pursuing riches in this world, and neglecting the things of God. I was reminded again that my purpose here on earth is not to build up earthly treasures, but to build up God’s Kingdom, pursue His plans and to store up treasures in heaven.

God has called us to a life of full-time, volunteer missions. That may not look like how some people think we should be living, but it is the lifestyle that God has called us to.

One of the books that I have been reading lately that has challenged me in my thinking is John Piper’s book “Don’t Waste Your Life”. If you have a chance to read it I would highly recommend it …

Some of the scriptures that really stood out to me that were highlighted in the book are:

The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl

“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.

(Matthew 13:44-46)

Treasures in Heaven

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.

(Matthew 6:19-20)

The intro music to this episode of The Accidental Missionary Podcast was Amazing Grace, performed by Amanda Bryde.

Special thanks to Jon Davis Jr. his comments and feedback about the podcast.

Business as Missions

The Accidental MissionaryThis episode of the Accidental Missionary Podcast was recorded sitting at the bottom of the steps to the sports oval at the Youth With A Mission Southlands – Adelaide location. I was waiting for the staff to return from their breakfast club and kid’s club ministry that they are engaged in every Thursday morning in Port Adelaide. It my first day of “work” at the centre and turned out to be a great chance to find out more about what they do and talk with Lucas Cristofali, who heads up communications for all three YWAM Southlands locations.

In the podcast I mistakenly pointed people to the wrong web-site address for YWAM Adelaide, the proper address is www.ywamsouthlands.com. Here are some photos of YWAM Adelaide and the  YWAM Adelaide sports oval:

Resources and links mentioned in the Podcast:

The Accidental MissionaryThis episode of the Accidental Missionary Podcast is coming to you from the nation of Australia!

We have been in Adelaide, Australia for a two and a half weeks now and are still trying to recover from travel shock. It seems a bit surreal to realise that life has changed so dramatically in the last few months and that we are now trying to make our home and settle in a new city and new country. At the beginning of the year I certainly didn’t foresee all of this happening…

I think that it will take me a while to get used to being back in Australia. This morning I made the mistake of throwing on laundry without first checking the weather. I find that it is usually not a good thing to do your laundry in the rain when you need to dry your clothes on a clothes line…

Washing our laundry in the rain - woops

Yesterday we went to visit the YWAM Adelaide ministry and was really encouraged to see some of the fantastic ministry that they are involved with. A lot of their work is working with the homeless in Adelaide and they are also engaged in ministry into the sex industry. I must admit that I was shocked to hear that there are over 100 illegal brothels here in Adelaide …