I think that one of the travesties of the modern church is the thought that once we make the decision to follow Christ everything will be better. We expect that God will bless us and that life will get better as we follow Him and submit to Him.

Jesus never promises that life will be easy!

Instead if you read the Bible what you will read is that the followers of Jesus were regularly persecuted and that it should be expected. We aren’t promised a reward here on Earth for following Him, but rather our reward will be in Heaven:

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

(Mat 5:10-12)

We only have to look at what happened to Jesus’ original 12-disciples to see this persecution lived out in their lives:

What happened to the 12-disciples?

  • Peter – martyred in Rome. He was crucified upside down.
  • Paul – martyred in Rome. He was beheaded.
  • Andrew – martyred in Asia Minor, crucified.
  • Thomas – martyred in India, stabed through with soldiers spears.
  • Philip – martyred in Asia Minor, crucified or beheaded.
  • Matthew – martyred in Ethiopia, stabbed with a spear.
  • Bartholomew – martyred in Armedia, beheaded.
  • James – martyred in Syria, stoned and clubbed to death.
  • Simon – martyred in Persia, crucified.
  • Matthias (replaced Judas) – martyred in Syria, burned to death.
  • John – died of natural causes.
  • Jude (Thaddeus) – martyred in Edessa, crucified.

You would think that the immediate followers of Jesus would have received the “greatest blessing”. If that is the case then the “greatest blessing” would be martyrdom

How does that fit in with the idea that things will be better when you follow Christ?

Do we need to change how we talk about the truth of Christ’s Lordship and Salvation?

Is the modern Church preaching the gospel that we read about in Bible, or something that is watered down and made more palatable?

source: Christianity.com

Photo by Martin LaBar / Foter

YWAM Newcastle has taken a novel approach to the development and construction of their YWAM Centre. They have been using Shipping Containers as an economical and efficient way to add offices and space to their building…

Shipping Containers used as Offices

An Australian company, Port Container Services, is currently giving away a free shipping container to the winner of an online Facebook contest. It is easy to help them win by following these simple steps:

  1. Visit the companies Facebook Page
  2. Like the page
  3. Click on the WIN tab
  4. Let the page load and then authorize the app
  5. Click on “View Entries”
  6. View YWAM Newcastle’s entry (Orange YWAM Logo)
  7. Click on the Vote button under their logo

With that you can help YWAM Newcastle win the container for their offices. The contest finishes September 30 at 5:00pm (Sydney, Australia time), so be sure to help them out before the time runs out.


YWAM Newcastle won the shipping container and will be using the new container for their offices!

Results of the Port Container Services Container giveaway

Using a Container as a Home Office

I have actually considered using a shipping container myself as an office once we get setup here in Adelaide. Given the cost of houses here we may not be able to purchase a house large enough for me to have an office in the house, so purchasing a small 20′ container and outfitting it as an office might have to be an option.

I don’t anticipate having a container set-up quite as fancy as the container city pictured to the right in London, but a single container could make a pretty efficient office. The cost about $2500 + transport costs, but I haven’t looked into the legal or logistical issues of putting one in the backyard of a house in Adelaide yet … Time will tell.

Container city photo via: Fin Fahey / Foter

The Accidental MissionaryWith less than a week to go until we make the move to Australia we are working hard to get everything done that we need to. This leads to some pretty crazy hours and things to do as I’m sure you can imagine.

This week I confess something very “un-Canadian” in the first few minutes of the podcast that I am hoping won’t get me in too much trouble and I also talk about what I believe is meant by the following verse:

Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.

It may be a bit different than how that verse has been traditionally looked at, but it has been opening my eyes more to God and His desires…

As I record the seventh episode of the Accidental Missionary podcast things in our house would probably best be described as “nutty”! We have less than a week in our house before we move out and the house is in organised chaos as we work on selling what we need to, and working out what to put on the ship and what to bring with us on the plane.

Like I said, the house is “nutty”…

In this episode I answer some voicemail feedback that I got through my contact page. I also answer some email feedback that I got to my last podcast episode where I shared some of my testimony.

Caleb Breakey has written a book entitled How to Follow Jesus Without Leaving the Chuch. It is a book that talks about the millennial generation and their involvement with the church. As part of this project he is wanting to create a DVD series and has launched a Kickstarter project to do so. Here is a bit more about it …

And finally I also talk a bit more about the YWAM Book group writing project that I wrote about in my last blog article. I’m excited about the feedback that I have recieved so far and look forward to seeing what develops out of it in the new year when I may actually have time to move it beyond the concept stage …

This week’s intro music is part of Miranda Lambert‘s autobiographical song “Heart Like Mine“.

In my last Accidental Missionary Podcast I shared a bit of my testimony about how I came to know God and accept Jesus and my Lord and Saviour. As I stated in the podcast I feel like sometimes I have an easier time speaking things out than actually writing them down, which makes that I am about to say kind of odd.

I want to publish a book of testimonies from YWAMers!

I have written before about how important it is for us to tell our story and after getting some positive feedback from it I started to wonder again about how important and powerful our testimony is.

A few nights ago I was listening to the latest This Week in Tech and they were talking about a group writing project called The Diamond Club. Because of the content of the book (erotic fiction, similar to 50 Shades of Grey) it is NOT a book I want to read, or would recommend anyone I know to read, the idea of a group writing concept intrigued me.

Also the ease of publication that ebooks allow made me think that this may be something that YWAMers could do…

A Book with Four Sections

My thoughts for the book are to include four different sections:

  1. How I became a follower of Christ
  2. What God did on my Discipleship Training School (YWAM DTS)
  3. How God used me as staff in Youth With A Mission
  4. What God taught me after YWAM

The idea behind each section would be to highlight some of the different stories and testimonies of God working in our lives during those seasons that God leads us through.

Since our family moving countries in a months time I will most likely be sitting on this concept for a while. I’m still batting around the idea in my head and would love some feedback from others out there.

  • Is this something you could see yourself participating in?
  • Would you be interested in buying an ebook like this for $0.99?

Let me know what you think in the comments below and I’m thinking that this could be a good project to look at launching in 2013…

photo by -Wink-