In my last Accidental Missionary Podcast I shared a bit of my testimony about how I came to know God and accept Jesus and my Lord and Saviour. As I stated in the podcast I feel like sometimes I have an easier time speaking things out than actually writing them down, which makes that I am about to say kind of odd.

I want to publish a book of testimonies from YWAMers!

I have written before about how important it is for us to tell our story and after getting some positive feedback from it I started to wonder again about how important and powerful our testimony is.

A few nights ago I was listening to the latest This Week in Tech and they were talking about a group writing project called The Diamond Club. Because of the content of the book (erotic fiction, similar to 50 Shades of Grey) it is NOT a book I want to read, or would recommend anyone I know to read, the idea of a group writing concept intrigued me.

Also the ease of publication that ebooks allow made me think that this may be something that YWAMers could do…

A Book with Four Sections

My thoughts for the book are to include four different sections:

  1. How I became a follower of Christ
  2. What God did on my Discipleship Training School (YWAM DTS)
  3. How God used me as staff in Youth With A Mission
  4. What God taught me after YWAM

The idea behind each section would be to highlight some of the different stories and testimonies of God working in our lives during those seasons that God leads us through.

Since our family moving countries in a months time I will most likely be sitting on this concept for a while. I’m still batting around the idea in my head and would love some feedback from others out there.

  • Is this something you could see yourself participating in?
  • Would you be interested in buying an ebook like this for $0.99?

Let me know what you think in the comments below and I’m thinking that this could be a good project to look at launching in 2013…

photo by -Wink-

I have been listening to Caleb Breakey’s podcast for a while now and have been very encouraged and challenged by his thoughts and conversations about the church and the millennial generation. He talks about things from the viewpoint of a millennial, and it is not always the same as my own.

It is a sad fact that many from the Millennial Generation are leaving the church. They view the church as irrelevant, unauthentic, stale, and hypocritical. They feel their place and voice in the church is often ignored.

They want change!

In Caleb Breakey’s latest video project he looks at three core concepts regarding the Millennial Generation and the Church:

  1. Jesus loves His Bride and will never give up her – neither should we.
  2. We must think of church as a place to help others reject the status quo Christianity and embrace the Way of Jesus.
  3. We must take purposeful action within our churches.

To get this video project off the ground Caleb Breakey has started up a KickStarter project, with a goal of raising $9000 towards the production of the DVD Series.

If this is something that you want to find out more about, or would be interesting in helping to fund, then check out Caleb Breakey’s Kickstarter campaign, and be sure to also check out his web site, Caleb Jennings Breakey.

Today in the sixth episode of the Accidental Missionary Podcast you the listener help me to fill out some paper work for my YWAM Adelaide staff applications form …

Despite sitting down over a dozen times to try to write down my personal testimony of how I came to accept Jesus as my personal Lord and Saviour I have always managed to walk away with a blank piece of paper. To help me in writing it down I decided to record and release my personal faith testimony as an episode of the Accidental Missionary Podcast.

In this episode I talk about some of the key events in my life that lead me to accepting Jesus first and Saviour, and then finally as Lord.

David Ring

Zig Ziglar

I love this video and the question that it asks, “Who are you really?”.

Are we being authentic?

I think that unfortunately many of us fall into the trap of trying to be who we think others want us to be. What the video highlights is what can happen when we are all pretending to be someone who we aren’t …

If I am honest with myself, and with the readers of this blog, being authentic as a missionary is challenging!

Being Honest and Authentic as a Missionary

I don’t always want to admit when I am struggling. When I am unsure or wavering in my faith of where God is leading me, or what He is asking me to do, I usually don’t want to admit it. There are expectations that I feel people have placed on me, and struggling with hearing from God and understanding clearing what He is saying to me is not one of them!

Although I know it is unfair to think, but I often feel like there are higher expectations on me as a missionary to be able to hear and obey God’s voice. Often I feel like I am under a microscope. Like the men in the video above I try to put on the “super spiritual” persona of someone who is constantly sure of what God is saying and where He is leading.

Unfortunately though, like many of us, I struggle with hearing God’s voice and times and knowing where He is leading…

  • I am not perfect.
  • I don’t stand unwavering at all times in my faith…
  • I struggle…
  • I hurt…
  • I doubt…
  • I fear…

But I press on, trusting that if I stuff up God will be there to catch me. As I walk in obedience and submission to Him and His will for my life He will be there to defend and protect me.

The Challenge of Humility

Even though God doesn’t want us to have that intimate of a relationship with anyone other than our spouse God still desires us to be humble and authentic before Him and others.

God opposes the proud
but shows favour to the humble. (James 4:6)

So, how about you, do people know the real you, or the image and / persona that you want them to know???

A few weeks ago we had a great discussion over on the YWAM Communications Facebook Group about how to better engage Youth With A Mission students for generating content for a YWAM Ministries blog or website. One of the challenges that we have as a ministry is communicating what God is doing in the nations, and getting the story out there.

Monika Allen has been extremely successful at engaging with their students at YWAM Madison to create some great content for their ministries blog. She was kind enough to share how she engages with their students to generate the news and stories for their site:

How to get U of N students writing for your YWAM blog

1. Enrol an Editor

While the stories look like they are written solely by the students, I actually edit them (sometimes heavily, depending on the students’ writing ability) or create them from interviews with the student. I then say they are by that student or at times will say “by … with Monika.” In other words, I’m the blog “ghostwriter.” This way, we’re able to keep a more consistent voice and quality to our online blogs while also showing the diversity of our student body.

2. Coach your Outreach Teams

We coach our teams before they go on outreach. I also teach on writing in seminars and in other YWAM schools. I’ve developed a teaching on how to write an outreach story, as well as a packet with sample stories that we send with each team. One of the things I go over with them is how to discover a story. Ideally, each team has one or two people who think of themselves as an “embedded journalist.” Their job is to listen to their teammates and watch what is happening on the outreach (while also being involved, of course) — they then send me at least one story per week while they’re on outreach. Depending on the outreach and internet access, they send me more than that. I also try to get them to send me a couple good pictures, otherwise I search through our archives or on Flickr’s Creative Commons for compelling images.

3. Value Communication

Cultivate an atmosphere of communication and storytelling — we see it as a ministry and as something that God directs his people to do — to tell about his great works among the nations!

Another teaching I do in the DTS is an hour on Psalm writing, which also adds to the students’ confidence in being able to write and share what God is doing in their lives. It helps that our Children at Risk DTS seems to draw the creative types who are very passionate about the cause of helping children. Several see themselves as writers or photographers already, so it is fun to give them a couple tools to better communicate. What has also helped draw these kinds of students, and help our current students and staff see the value in communicating and telling stories, is our blog!

4. Be-friend your students

I am Facebook friends with many of the students, so I see their blog posts that they share with their friends. If I see a particularly moving blog post, I ask for their permission to post it. (Sometimes I lightly edit.) Or, in my times hanging out with the students or listening to the staff share about what’s happening in the school, I hear something interesting and then seek out the student to have them tell me their story.

5. Connect with Students’ Contacts

Before our teams leave for outreach, we have them push for their friends and family to subscribe to our email updates. I then send out a weekly email update with links to the latest blog posts. This excites the students to send more stories and also helps those who may not be as good at communicating home. It also helps their parents and churches to have more understanding and trust in our organization because they can see what is going on, they can pray, and they can be excited for the students “in real time” not just at the end of the outreach. We strive to make our stories concrete and visually descriptive.

6. Recruit for Communication

I now have a communications assistant who will help me interact with other schools and departments on our campus. We also try to have a “communications liaison” in each department/school.

Photo by kanglapass