It seems that it is quite fashionable to bash the effectiveness of short term missions…
While Blimey Cow does make some good points in that rather sarcastic video, painting all short term missions as a waste of time and money is rather narrow minded …
What actually prompted this post was reading the missions statement of a church planting team going to Nicaragua. Their goal is to be in a location in Nicaragua for a short period of time, replace themselves in the newly planted church with local leadership, and then move on to another location.
I found that team’s mission and goals to be quite inspirational in it’s ability to be multiplied, and the heavy emphasis on training and mobilising local leadership.
Biblical Models of Short Term Missionaries
While I completely understand the need for long term missionaries to serve in missions organisations around the world (I have been in YWAM now for 14- years, which I guess would be considered long term) there is also a place for short term missionaries.
Jesus’ ministry on earth only lasted 3-years. During that time Jesus never stayed in one place long, and never established a permanent or “long term” ministry location. By many people’s definitions that would be considered “short-term”, but no once can deny the impact and effectiveness of his ministry, can they?
Paul never stayed long in any one location. During Paul’s many years of ministry he never stayed long in any one location. His travels took him all over the Mediterranean and most of what we now know of Paul is his letters written to churches after he had left them. Would current short term missions critics consider Paul’s travel to be joy riding, an excuse to travel the known world, or a “vacation”?
Short Term Missions Can Serve God’s Kingdom
A well thought out short term missions trip can do great things to help in the advancement of God’s Kingdom. Whether building homes in Haiti, restoring eye-sight in Papua New Guinea, or serving and loving AIDS patients in Africa, short term missionaries have an important role in God’s plan to show his love and compassion to the nations.
Let’s not, as long-term missionaries or critics of short-term missions, dismiss the idea out of hand. Instead let’s look at how God wants to use short term mission and what our role is in making it effective for the nation or location being served by the short-term missionaries, and also something that can inspire the participants to desire a long term role in missions…