This weekend I was listening to the Bobblehead Dad Podcast because I have a real desire to be, well, a better dad. (I also secretly want to have my own Dad podcast, but that is a long way off as I’m not even managing the YWAM Podcast very well at the moment.) Bobblehead Dad is a great podcast, with some good thoughts from the host, Jim Higley, and some great interviews.
I’ve been trying to catch up on past episodes of the podcast and listened to an interview that Jim Higley did with author Jim Moorhead. I found the content of the interview to be quite intriguing and thought provoking (you can listen to it here).
Jim Moorheads book is entitled The Instant Survivor – Right Ways to Respond When Things Go Wrong. In the book it goes through a 4-step system for “conquering professional and personal crises”. The description of the book at Amazon is:
This is a crisis-management handbook that shows readers the four steps to going from head-in-the sand denial to head-held-high success. Jim Moorhead reveals the methods top companies use to tackle crises. In an energetic, upbeat style – laced with compassion and practicality – he explains how executives audit their businesses and fix problems before they mushroom into messes. When crises do occur, a crisis management team talks through the company’s business and legal goals, analyzes the people and resources to deploy and the allies and experts to call upon, and debates the options before agreeing on a strategy. Whether the problem is downsizing, divorce, disability, or debt, Jim Moorhead, a seasoned trial attorney and crisis adviser,outlines four action steps to help any individual prevent and tackle life’s hard and soft crises in an organization:
- STAY FROSTY: Remain calm and focused when a crisis begins
- SECURE SUPPORT: Tap into your network of personal and professional contacts
- STAND TALL: Take full charge of your response
- SAVE YOUR FUTURE: Prepare for post-crisis success
As he explains his steps to overcoming disasters and predicaments, Moorhead selects from firsthand accounts and anecdotes amassed during thirty years of experience in law, politics, and consultancy to inspire and encourage readers. These intriguing stories – of people overcoming everything from disease, debt, and job loss to car bombings and wrongful imprisonment – engage readers as they illustrate the author’s key points.
On Jim Moorhead’s Instant Survivor web-site you can subscribe to his mailing list and receive The Instant Survivor Handbook for free. I’ve gone ahead and done that and received the book. It is a 7-page handbook with step by step instructions for surviving a “current” crisis. It looks interesting and could be a very useful tool for someone when things are going wrong.
I would recommend listening to the Bobblehead Dad podcast to start with, then if it sounds like something that interests you or could serve you, then sign up to Jim Moorhead’s mailing list to get the free handbook (you can always unsubscribe after you get the free ebook). After that, if you still want to know more, go ahead and buy The Instant Survivor Book.