The Big Keep Getting Bigger
After reading this article about Google being sued for their search engine autocomplete results it got me thinking about who has the advantage in YWAM because of Google autocomplete. Although the results didn’t surprise me, I am disappointed as it’s another example of how the big keep getting bigger, to the disadvantage of the small Youth With a Mission Centres.
If I type “YWAM ” into Google here in Canada the autocomplete results that come up are:
- YWAM Kona
- YWAM Canada
- YWAM Perth
- YWAM New Zealand
Google autocomplete clearly gives an advantage to two of YWAM’s largest missions Centres, YWAM Kona and YWAM Perth. Although there is nothing that can be done to counter this, it’s another frustrating development for the smaller YWAM Centres around the world who are forced to compete with larger, better known locations.
What can we do to help alleviate the disparity between the larger Youth With A Mission locations and the smaller locations around the world?
Well, if the autocomplete wasn’t enough, now there is Instant Pages.
Update 2 – Thanks to Daniel K
This video given at TED Talk by Eli Pariser called Beware online “filter bubbles” brilliantly displays that I am talking about in the above article. It takes it a step above what I’m talking about though as it talks more about how the filtering works and how it can change the lens that we view the world through.