Caleb came home yesterday from school talking about the riots in Vancouver after The Canuck’s 7th game loss to the Boston Bruins. It was a despicable display of complete idiocy on the part of the “fans”, and somewhat of a challenge to explain to my son.

How do you explain to your kid why people act like that?

Proverbs is full of explanations for people acting like fools:

A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control. (Proverbs 29:11)

A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult. (Proverbs 12:16)

We also read in James:

My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. James 1:19-20

Most of us realise that the loss of the hockey game was just an excuse that the instigators of the riot used to start the riot, but how do you explain to your kid why some people feel the need to act with total disregard for other people and the law?

We read in Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians:

Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” (1 Cor. 15:33)

Unfortunately in a situation like the Vancouver Riots we can see that a few bad apples caused many others to misbehave. This is something that we can highlight to our kids in encouraging them to be wise with who they hang out with, and where they spend their time.

How would you explain to your children why people act like this?

Photo souce: @latoya12

The Big Keep Getting Bigger

After reading this article about Google being sued for their search engine autocomplete results it got me thinking about who has the advantage in YWAM because of Google autocomplete. Although the results didn’t surprise me, I am disappointed as it’s another example of how the big keep getting bigger, to the disadvantage of the small Youth With a Mission Centres.

If I type “YWAM ” into Google here in Canada the autocomplete results that come up are:

  1. YWAM Kona
  2. YWAM Canada
  4. YWAM Perth
  5. YWAM New Zealand

Google autocomplete clearly gives an advantage to two of YWAM’s largest missions Centres, YWAM Kona and YWAM Perth. Although there is nothing that can be done to counter this, it’s another frustrating development for the smaller YWAM Centres around the world who are forced to compete with larger, better known locations.

What can we do to help alleviate the disparity between the larger Youth With A Mission locations and the smaller locations around the world?


Well, if the autocomplete wasn’t enough, now there is Instant Pages.

Update 2 – Thanks to Daniel K

This video given at TED Talk by Eli Pariser called Beware online “filter bubbles” brilliantly displays that I am talking about in the above article. It takes it a step above what I’m talking about though as it talks more about how the filtering works and how it can change the lens that we view the world through.

Making Life Hard One Card at a TimeOne thing that I have seen again and again remove people from the mission field, or prevent them from entering the mission field, is personal debt…

Personal debt can take many forms, including, but certainly not limited to:

  • Credit Card Debt
  • Student Loan Debt
  • Vehicle Loan Debt or Lease
  • Mortgage*

I have seen numerous message on twitter from people along the lines of wanting to join missions, but can’t because of debt. I have also seen people leave the missions field because of debt they had at home from before they joined or even because of debt they have incurred while on the missions field.

A friend of mine, Creagon Muldoon, who also works with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) to mobilise people into missions recently posted this on Twitter:

Creagon – Creagon Muldoon

Praying for God to mobilizes the next of student movement. Wondering how He will overcome the 2009 average student debt load of $24,000.

Debt is very debilitating to someone wanting to follow the Will of God of their life.

There is not one positive mention of debt in the Bible. Debt is always presented in a negative light. It is not a “salvation” issue, but there is not one time mentioned in the bible that debt is used to bless His people.

Here are a few Bible versus about this topic taken from Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University site.

1. Proverbs 13:22  "A good man leaves an inheritance to his childrens’ children" indicating that God wants us to make a difference, financially, in our family tree.

2. Proverbs 21:20  "In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but a foolish man devours all he has."  This gives us an idea of how God wants us to save for a rainy day, to set something back for safekeeping.

3. Proverbs 22:7 states that "The rich rule over the poor, And the borrower is servant to the lender."  Really?  The Bible discourages debt?  Does God really want me to pay my debts off and avoid debt?

4. Luke 14:28 "For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it."  Does Jesus really want me to save up and pay for the things I buy?

The final one should be very challenging for us. I can’t tell you how many times have I been in a meeting and heard people “stepping out in faith” to go on a trip that they can’t afford? It’s one thing to be planning for a trip without knowing where the money is coming from, but to actually go on the trip before it’s paid for seems to go against what Jesus is telling us in Luke 14:28.

What is Our Responsibility?

As a missions organisation we need to ask ourselves about what our responsibility is to our staff and students in regards to debt. Are we enabling our staff and students to go into debt, or are we helping them to avoid it.

Here are a few questions that I think we need to ask:

  • Do we let our staff and / or students go to into debt?
  • How do we handle it when our staff falls behind on their staff fees?
  • Do we ask questions about peoples personal debt in our application process?
  • Is there teaching or plans in place to assist people get out of debt?

Are we teaching our staff and students wisdom in regards to their finances or are we teaching them to be reckless with their finances? Do we confuse “faith” with “foolishness”?

Debt in YWAM

Another great article that I found after I had written most of this article is on the YWAM Associates web-site entitled “The Curse of Debt”. You can read the article here. There is some great information about debt in YWAM in that article including:

  • Between 5 – 80% of staff at any given YWAM location are in debt
  • Most YWAM Centres have lost staff because of debt
  • Some YWAM staff have to take outside jobs to pay off debt

Have a look at the full article to read more.

Tools to Get out of Debt

There are some great tools out there to help you get out of debt. Someone who I have been listening to for a while is Dave Ramsey, the source of those quotes above. Here is a link to some of the tools that he offers for free on his web-site:

photo credit: Josh Kenzer

It’s too easy to get wrapped up on the "show" or the "production".

We can see it in our worship, we can see it in our flashy videos, we can see it in our web-sites and we can see it on our vehicles and buildings…

This video asks us, “What would happen if we put all that "entertainment" or extra energy into actually going out and making disciples? “.

Where is your energy going?

Are you too busy doing “ministry” to actually make disciples

You sometimes hear the debate about the role of the local church versus the mobile or para-church. Some will say that the local church has it’s role serving local needs, but that the mobile church is to go out as missionaries. Other see the mobile church as a dividing factor, taking people out of the local church and decreasing it’s effectiveness is fulfilling the role that God has for it in the world.

The Traveling Team has an interesting article about the role of the local church in world missions entitled “Local Church – Friend, Foe or Failure in the Great Commission”. The article points out four “truths” about the primacy of the local church in the Great Commission:

  1. The Local Church is Primary in World Missions Because Jesus Said it is
  2. The Local Church is Primary Because the Body of Christ is there
  3. The Local Church is Primary Because it Affords Us Training and Care
  4. The Local Church is Primary Because it is Both the Beginning and the End of Missions

There are some great points made in the article and it is well worth reading it here.

Although I work with a mobile church organisation in Youth With A Mission (YWAM) I have been extremely blessed to a part of a local church in Calgary that is very missions minded. I found out about YWAM through another member who had been sent out from the church. The local church has been a huge blessing and support for me and my family ever since I joined Youth With A Mission in 1998.

For me it is the combination of both the local church, South Calgary Community Church, and the missions agency, Youth With A Mission, that has created the environment where I am able to serve God full time as a Missions Communicator.

* Photo provided by YWAM Harpenden