Café con leche - MilchkaffeeThe last YWAM Centre that I was on seemed to be a constant state of debate about whether their should be a separate hospitality department or ministry area. The arguments about it seemed to follow the same lines about if it should be something assigned to specific people, or if everyone should be scheduled to do it, or if everyone should just do it, regardless of what they are “scheduled” to do.

One of The YWAM Foundational Values is to “Practice Hospitality” and it is written out like this:


YWAM affirms the ministry of hospitality as an expression of God’s character and the value of people. We believe it is important to open our hearts, homes and campuses to serve and honour one another, our guests and the poor and needy, not as acts of social protocol, but as expressions of generosity.

While I agree entirely that hospitality should be a way of life for everyone in YWAM, and something that we all engage in, I also think that there is definitely a place for specific people to be actively engaged in the “ministry” of hospitality.

When we read Acts 6:1-7 we read about the apostles setting aside seven men to handle the distribution of food to the Hellenistic Jews. Their job is to provide hospitality for the women and help care for their needs.

The men that they choose were not just any slouches in the group. They were directed to choose “seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom”. The men were selected by the group, presented to the apostles, prayed for and released into this ministry.

Unfortunately I have seen hospitality looked at as a “secondary” ministry, a place where people go to serve while they wait for a school to staff or an outreach to lead.

Wow, what a waste!

This ministry is one that is set in high esteem by the apostles, and one where quality people were set aside to do it. The people selected were done so for the gifts that they had so that others in the group of disciples could also move into the areas of ministry that best used their gifts.

So how does your ministry do hospitality? Is it something that is forced or does it come naturally?

photo credit: marfis75

One of the challenges that my wife and I experienced when moving to Canada was the language barrier. You might be asking yourself “What language barrier?”, but you would be surprised at the differences in the English language depending on where in the world you are.

If I were to tell you that I found something to be “pretty average” you might think that it was acceptable if you are from Canada, but if you are from Australia you would know that I’m saying it’s actually useless garbage. If I was to say something was “out whup whup” in Canada you would probably think I was drunk, but in Australia I’d be saying something was a long way, kind of like saying something was “Out in the sticks”.

Those are just two of many sayings or terms that are different between Australia and Canada. There are too many subtle differences for me to write here, but another thing that you need to be aware of is differences in hand gestures…


While the “V” symbol with your hands can be used as either “victory” or “peace”, if you do it with your palm towards you in some countries, including Australia, you are basically flipping people off.

Subtle difference, but a huge difference in meaning.

As we travel into other nations we need to be aware of the differences in dialect within the English language. Just because it’s the same words doesn’t mean it’s the same meaning.

Below are a few more examples of the differences in meaning within the English language depending on who is saying it, and who is hearing it…


Note: Even though I am originally from Canada I am of no help in differentiating Canadian and the Australian terms as I have the dreaded “missionary” dialect of English, which is a complete mish-mash of terms from all over the world…


Source for UK Image: UK Missionaries in Europe: do they make sense?

More on Hand Gestures: Content Lobby – The Top 10 Hand Gestures You’d Better Get Right

The other day I was thinking about a bit of an odd analogy. Comparing YWAM to a type of phone operating system is certainly strange, but I think that in this case it can be accurate.

I’m sure that many YWAMers I know would rather associate YWAM with Apple, but they need to get over it. YWAM is much more like Android than it will ever be like Apple.

Google Android is an open source operating system for mobile phones and more recently for tablet computers. It has many different flavours and versions, and has been covered in many different “skins”. I reckon that this is a pretty good description of YWAM.

Youth With A Mission is built from a few core values. The foremost of those is:

To Know God and to Make Him Known

The YWAM Foundational Values are at the centre of who we are and they define how we live out the mandate of YWAM “To Know God and to Make Him Known”.

One big thing that we need to know as we look at YWAM is that no two YWAM locations are the same. What you experience at one location will not be the same as what you experience at the next. All 1250+ locations represent a slightly different aspect of who God is, even though we are all part of the same tribe.

The variety in YWAM allows us to minister into many different situations and countries, but also means that no one voice or location can truly represent who we are. The diversity and decentralised nature has been described as Youth With A Mission’s greatest strength, but also as it’s greatest weakness.

Like the Google Android Operating System I believe that YWAM will continue to diversify in who we are, but the challenge is to continue to remain compatible and unified in the core mission of Knowing God and Making Him Known

One of the things that I have the privelege of doing in Youth With A Mission is interacting with some of our YWAM Communication Teams around the world. Lately I’ve been doing quite a bit with the team in Africa called AfriComs. Their aim is to keep people regularly updated with what is happening with YWAM in Africa.

If you ever wondered why the need for teams like this is so important than have a look at this map showing Africa’s major infrastructure that was recently released by Le Monde Diplomatique.

Major Infrastructure in Africa

According to this article over at only 30.5 percent of the total sub-Saharan population and only 14.3 percent of the rural population have access to electricity. If you can imagine that, imagine how few people also have access to the communication resources that we take for granted.

So that you can see a bit more about what the YWAM Communications teams do in Youth With A Mission around the world have a watch of this video…

You can read more about YWAM Africom and their work on their blog, and find out more about YWAM Communication teams over at the YWAM ICN Web-site.

YWAM has been described as a family, albeit a very diverse family. Using more accurate terminology though I would say that YWAM is a Tribe. One of the challenges within a tribe is identifying other members of your tribe…

To help us identify other members of The YWAM Tribe I’ve designed a few badges for YWAM Bloggers to put on their blogs and promote their place in the YWAM Tribe. This will help us to identify with other members of the tribe…

Here are a couple of YWAM Blogger badges for you to grab for your personal blog. Just copy the code that is embedded next to the image that you want to display on your blog and put it in your sidebar, footer, or where ever else you might want to put it.

Black on White, 150x150px logo (the one I use in my sidebar)

Black on White, 150x150px logo, rounded corners, transparent background

White on Blue, 140x140px logo

White on Red, 140x140px logo

Who can use the YWAM Blogger Badge

My intent is for the YWAM Blogger Badge to be used by individual bloggers who are current full-time staff in YWAM. If you do choose to place the YWAM Blogger Badge on your blog please also include a disclaimer in the footer of your site stating stating that your views do not necessarily represent those of Youth With A Mission since it’s not an “official” YWAM web-site.

If you are blogging using the Blogger or Blogspot platform I wrote are article explaining how you can add the badge to your sidebar.