With social media, especially Facebook and Twitter, so pervasive in the lives of people it’s important that we look at what kind of affect it has on students. The Discipleship Training School (DTS), and other second level schools in Youth With A Mission (YWAM) have previously been completely immersive experiences mainly because of the difficulty and cost of communication.
Now, with easy communication tools like Facebook, Twitter, Skype, e-mail, etc. the YWAM DTS and other schools are not the isolated experience that it once was. Now it is possible for students to stay almost fully connected with friends and family back home while on their Discipleship Training School. The question we need to ask is how is that affecting the school experience and how can we as YWAM leaders use those tools to the advantage of our students?
With those thoughts and questions in mind please have a look at this infographic entitled “Is Social Media Ruining Students” and let us know your thoughts in the comments below the graphic:
Via: OnlineEducation.net