One of the things that we are always trying to do in Youth With A Mission is improve our ability to communicate what is happening in the mission. That is one of the reasons why I produce the YWAM Podcast, set-up YWAM Information Technology, my YWAM News web-site and why I work on many of the other projects I work with around the world.
Despite the proliferation of Facebook, Twitter and other social media channels most people still do most of their on-line communications using e-mail. From people and organisations that I am really interested in following I will usually look for a way to sign up for e-mail newsletters if I’m given the option.
With that in mind I’ve set-up a way for people to subscribe to receive an e-mail every time that news is added to the YWAM International Web-Site. You just need to put your e-mail address into the form on the left and hit submit. You will then be sent a confirmation e-mail and after confirming your e-mail address any time there is a news story added to the YWAM Interational web-site you will be sent the article via e-mail.
At the moment there are only three subscribers to this service, so I’m curious to see if it is something people are interested in and if it is a viable communications channel to add to our ways of connecting people to the mission.