My good friend Jonathan Spainhour wrote something lately that really got me thinking about what my actions reveal:

The reflection of the heart is the action of the body.

Cricket Brings Out the Character of the Players (c) FreeFoto.comIt’s challenging because we quite often hear that it’s what’s in the heart that counts, but how can we know what is in the heart? I think that Jonathan nailed it on the head with that quote, we know what is in the heart by looking at what comes out of it, including:

  • Our Language
  • How we treat others
  • How we react in challenging situations
  • What we do when no one is looking

So we can tell what is in someone’s heart, including my own, by looking at their actions. What is in our heart comes out in our actions. No matter how good of a “mask” we put on, if people watch our actions and the “fruit” that comes out of our life they will get a reflection of what is in our hearts.

When people look at me and my life what do they see?

  • When I get confronted, how do I react?
  • When I’m disciplining our kids, what do they see?
  • When I have been wronged, what do they see in my response?
  • When people look at how I spend my money, do they see what I value?

When people look at your life, what does it reveal about your heart?

Are we reflecting Christ in our actions, or do our actions reveal the lack of Christ’s redeeming power in our lives? How well are we representing Christ here on Earth?

Image supplied by

I’ve had a few people ask me lately what my Podcast Recording set-up looks like, so here is a photo of it, with a description below …

The computer is the laptop that we raised money for at the beginning of this year (2010). Some of the other things are a set of Sony Headphonesalt , a second 21.5″ monitor, a Blue Microphones Snowball USB Microphone (White)alt, with Shockmountalt and and external keyboard and mouse.

I use a program called PodProducer as my soundboard to play the extra audio in the podcast, it isn’t fully compatible with Windows 7 so I can’t use it for recording, but I can use it for playback. For the actual recording I use a program called Krisal Audio Engine because it’s free and allows simultaneous multi-track recording. To write my show notes I use Google Docs, because it allows me to collaborate with the rest of my YWAM team, and also allows me to share the notes with a guest host when I have one.

Here is a screen shot of what it looks like when I’m recording the podcast.

From left to right what’s on my screen are:

  • Running script of news stories
  • Current story I’m talking about
  • Soundboard with audio from stories
  • Multi-track recording software

There are some limitations with the existing set-up, like the fact that I can not record external audio and a Skype conversation at the same time. To do this would require a significant investment in new sound equipment including an external mixer, a new microphone and an external digital audio recorder. As we continue to develop the podcast and the audience grows we’ll be looking into this more, but for the moment this set-up is serving us well.

With the shipping date almost upon us or already past for sending Christmas gifts there are still a few options available for sending gifts to our friends and family:


Amazon-Canada-Gift-CardWe have ordered a few things from the Amazon on-line store in Canada* and been impressed with the prices and with the speed of delivery. At the moment they are offering free shipping for orders over $25.00.

My personal favourite for gifts is actually Amazon Canada Gift Cards*. These cards can be delivered via e-mail, so even if it’s December 24th (or even 25th if you get something under the tree, only to realise you never sent anything) you can still get it there in time for Christmas. If you want to include the gift certificate in a Christmas card you can also print the certificate from your local computer.

Amazon Canada* has a wide selection of books, electronics, music and more that people can choose from.

United States (USA)

Amazon-USA-Santa-Gift-CardFor gifts to America I again recommend the on-line store*, the American store this time. We have ordered things from here for delivery to friends in the USA before, and the US store is just as quick with very competitive pricing.

We have received a few gifts certificates ourselves for the Amazon Store in the USA and the Amazon Gift Cards* are great to get. Shipping can be a problem to Canada, but for shipping to the USA they are great (we’ve had some stuff delivered to friends in the USA for us in the past). Like from the Canada store you can e-mail or print the gift cards, or you can also have them mailed for you directly from Amazon to your friend, or sent to their Facebook page.

Amazon-Com-LogoThe store* has a huge selection of products that people can purchase, including books, electronics, music gear, music (downloadable and physical), movies, video downloads, toys, tools, food and much more.


The Nile -Australia's Largest Online Bookstore

The best place that I have found in Australia for ordering gifts online is*. They are the closest thing that I can find to an Amazon style store in Australia. They offer a wide variety of products for purchase online including books, games, movies, music, toys, wine and more…

As with both of the Amazon stores you can also purchase gift cards from*.

* All of these links are affiliate links, meaning that by purchasing something through that link we will receive a small percentage of the sale price. So this is good way to give great gifts, and help support us in our ministry.

Jon Acuff has an article on his blog Stuff Christians Like entitled “Our $29,000 God. It talks about his project to raise $30,000 to build a kindergarten in Vietnam and his doubt leading up to asking his readers to help raise the money for the project. He was hopeful to be able to raise the $30,000 in about 6-weeks.

It look him 18-hours

It helps that he is author of the fantastic book Stuff Christians Likealt (Amazon Affiliate Link), has over 28,000 people following him on Twitter and over 10,000 “friends” on Facebook, but the main reason why he was able to raise the money so quick was because God is big enough and it was something on God’s heart.

Although our story seems smaller, it reminded me that God is big enough.

When we raised the money for the new laptop that I am using for my writing, web-site development and podcast recording I was very nervous about doing so. I didn’t know how well it would go or how quickly it would happen. What I did know was that the new laptop was a tool that I needed to do what God brought me to Canada for.

God was bigger than my doubts and expectations and we raised the money in only a week! (You can read the “thank you” article on our family website)

To put it in perspective, I have 719 friends on Facebook, 472 followers on Twitter and e-mailed out to about 130 people. Both of those first figures are much higher now then they were earlier this year when we raised the money for the laptop. What we did have though was great quality friends, and God working on our behalf…

So what are you facing that God is too small for, or can’t help you with? Stop putting God in a box and trust Him, whatever your problems are, God is Bigger

photo credit: random cliché

As we can see from the verses below, it is God’s desire to see our needs met. One of the names of God is Jehovah-Jireh, which means “The Lord Will Provide”.

Matthew 6:31-32  "So do not start worrying: ‘Where will my food come from? or my drink? or my clothes?’  (These are the things the pagans are always concerned about.) Your Father in heaven knows that you need all these things.

2 Corinthians 9:8  And God is able to give you more than you need, so that you will always have all you need for yourselves and more than enough for every good cause.

Philippians 4:19  And with all his abundant wealth through Christ Jesus, my God will supply all your needs.

In a similar theme to what I wrote about in my article entitled “Burn Out – The Myth of Philippians 4:13”, God’s provision is dependant on obedience. In this case it is not only dependant on our own personal obedience, but it is also dependant on the obedience of others.

God will provide for all your needs, if you are walking in obedience to His will for your life. God may withhold His provision for your needs if you are not walking in His will for your life. God will also not necessarily provide for all you wants, but there are times that God, like parents, will provide over and above your needs to fulfil some of your wants.

At the same time, God may desire for someone else to provide for your needs. If that is the case then God’s provision is also dependant on the other person’s obedience to His will, as well as your own obedience to see these needs met.

This dependence on other people’s obedience is especially evident to us as volunteer missionaries as we are directly supported and sponsored by individuals, churches and other organisations. If it is God’s will for someone to support or sponsor us, and they do not follow through on God’s will, then we go without because of someone else’s disobedience.

Although we don’t often acknowledge it, people in jobs are also dependent on God in this way. For someone to hire you for the job that God wants you to have, they have to do what God wants of them in the situation. If you are self employed it works the same way, it is up to the potential clients to accept or reject your proposals.

If we continue reading the versus listed above we can read more about what God’s will is, and why and how He desires to provide for us:

Mat 6:33  Instead, be concerned above everything else with the Kingdom of God and with what he requires of you, and he will provide you with all these other things.

2 Corinthians 9:10-13  And God, who supplies seed for the sower and bread to eat, will also supply you with all the seed you need and will make it grow and produce a rich harvest from your generosity.  He will always make you rich enough to be generous at all times, so that many will thank God for your gifts which they receive from us.  For this service you perform not only meets the needs of God’s people, but also produces an outpouring of gratitude to God.  And because of the proof which this service of yours brings, many will give glory to God for your loyalty to the gospel of Christ, which you profess, and for your generosity in sharing with them and everyone else.

God’s desire is that we be concerned with The Kingdom of God, not with the things that the pagans and gentiles are concerned with. We need to stay focused on God, and His desire and plan for our lives. While we concern ourselves with the Kingdom of God and what He requires of us, He will provide the means to meet our needs…