10 things you need to know to drive like a Calgarian
Speed – anything less than 10 kph over the speed limit is too slow
- Tailgate – if another car can fit between you and the person in front of you, you aren’t close enough
- You own the road – act like it is your road and everyone else on it is just a guest
- Don’t signal – using your turn indicators is a waste of time, don’t bother
- Multi-task – You don’t need to concentrate while driving. Use your time driving to make phone calls and text your friends
- Orange means go – make sure to speed up when you see an orange light. You have at least a few seconds after the light goes red to speed through the intersection
- Get a big truck – it’s easier to own the road (see point 2) if you are bigger than everyone else
- Drive alone – car pooling is a waste of time. Everyone should have their own vehicle
- Bicycles don’t belong – bicycles should not be on the road and belong on the bike paths or sidewalks, crowd them out
- Complain – if you don’t feel like a Calgary driver after following the above steps then complain about the other drivers. It’s not your fault that everyone else on the road is a menace to society and belongs on public transit
Any other advice you might have to help people drive in Calgary? Let us know in the comments below…