It is a question that I hear from a lot of people; “Can I be a missionary?“. The simple answer is “Yes”, but let’s look into it a bit more than that …
God has created everyone with a plan and a purpose. None of us was an accident in God’s eyes, even though some of us may have been “unexpected” to our parents.
One of the greatest challenges I have found in my life was to discover what God’s plan and purpose is for my life. The beauty of it is that the discovery is an ongoing discovery, so if we stuff up a few times we can usually still get back on track. One step on my journey to find God’s plan for my life was a Discipleship Training School with Youth With a Mission. It was on my YWAM DTS that I feel God started to reveal to me more of His plan for my life.
Although we can all be missionaries, God does not want us we all to be missionaries.
I had a great e-mail conversation a few months back with a good friend in Australia. He is not a missionary and knows that being a missionary is not what God has called him to. If he were to choose to become a missionary, without God’s go ahead, then he would be walking outside of God’s will for his life, even if his plan was to do good and serve God in that way.
I remember a few years ago having another discussion with a different friend. He was saying that he felt God didn’t have a call on his life because he didn’t feel a call to ministry or missions. It’s a very damaging thing to think that because God doesn’t call you to missions that He doesn’t have a plan for your life. God will use you and call you to be a witness for Him everywhere He leads you, but you need to be obedient to that call, and seek Him about it.
The best way that we can honour God is to be obedient to His call on our lives, even if that call does not appear to be very “spiritual” or if we have no involvement in missions or ministry. God doesn’t want us to “do good things”, He wants us to be obedient to Him.
But Samuel replied: “Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams. (1 Sam. 15:22 NIV)
So regardless of what we do, or how “spiritual” what we do appears, we need to be doing it in obedience to God’s will and call for our lives. That is how we will bring honour and glory to God, and that is how we will have the greatest impact of the world around us for God’s glory.
* For the purpose of this article I am referring to the Levitical call of a full time missionary, being reliant on donations and support to meet our day to day needs. Setting ourselves aside to work full-time in service of God and the Church. Read a bit more about what I mean by this here.