It’s been an interesting transition for us as we’ve made out move to Calgary. Not only have we been settling into our new home, but we have also been working on defining our new role as we continue our work with YWAM.

Working on a YWAM base back in Australia with over 100 staff meant that most of my time was spent doing tech support and network management. Now working from home has opened up all sorts of other possibilities.

At the moment there are four main projects that I am working on within my role on the YWAM International Chairman’s Team:

  1. The new YWAM International Web-Site (the current site is at
  2. Capturing, editing and distributing leadership training videos by Lynn Green from his visit to Calgary a few months ago
  3. Developing a new web-site for YWAM Resources (
  4. YWAM “Social Media” Interaction (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)

In addition to this I’m also toying around with creating an on-line radio show (audio podcast) out of the news and content developed within YWAM. Each week I usually see dozens of stories from around YWAM about upcoming conferences, schools, outreaches and more. I try to document some of them at YWAM News that Bill finds Interesting.

As I continue to connect with the YWAM ICT I’m finding more and more opportunities and needs presenting themselves. The problem certainly isn’t going to be finding stuff to do, the challenge will be finding where to best spend my time and effort …

A few months ago before we moved into our house I wrote about some of the ways that God’s been providing for us. Since then we’ve had a lot of ups and downs with moving and settling into our new house. Some of the downs have been:

  1. Most of our major appliances (clothes washer, drier, fridge and dish washer) need to be replaced (read more here).
  2. I need to paint the deck and all the trim on the exterior of the house before winter comes to prevent more wood rot.
  3. Two of our windows need to be replaced or repaired because of wood rot or broken seals.

There is also a lot of other work that needs doing to the house, but like my pastor reminded me on Sunday, at least we aren’t raising and enclosing under our house to create a whole other level again.

This week we’ve seen a few little things that have really helped to lift my faith, even though they may seem little to some:

  1. We were given an annual pass to the Calgary Zoo and were able to enjoy a family trip there this week.
  2. At the last minute we were given some discount coupons to Calaway Park, a local amusement park. Even with the discount we still didn’t have it in our budget to go, but within about 10-minutes of putting our need for $40 to go to the park on Facebook we were donated the money to go. We all had a very good, albeit wet, time at the park.
  3. Last night I was sitting on my back deck trying to listen to Amazing Grace streamed from the Internet. I couldn’t get it to work for some reason, so I gave up. The people across the street were having a bit of a party and all of a sudden someone pulls out a set of bag pipes and starts playing Amazing Grace! It was pretty cool, I love the sound of the bag pipes playing Amazing Grace.

These are just some of the little things that we’ve been blessed with recently. They continue to remind me that regardless of our circumstances, or what else if happening, God’s looking out for us.

Here is one of my favourite versions of Amazing Grace on You Tube, albeit there are no bag pipes in this version:

If you want a version of Amazing Grace by Il Divo, with the bag pipes, then you can listen to it here. It definitely ranks up there with the Randy Travis version as one of my favourites.

One of the things that the YWAM International Chairman’s Team is working on is to improve the communication inside and outside YWAM. It is a part of the mandate to “heal the nevous system” of YWAM.

After a disussion I had with some other members of the YWAM ICT I setup a simple YWAM news site. The goal for the site is to help communicate what is happening around YWAM to anyone who is interested.

YWAM News Site

The site is built on WordPress, a free open source CMS / blog engine. I used Google Feedburner to deliver the news via email because it was easy and free. There are many different free themes available for use with WordPress, so I played around with a few and finally settled on the one that is currently running on the site.

To help with the functionality of the news site I added a few WordPress plugins to it. Most are available for free (all the plugins I used were free) and are easy to install on the site. I’ll put a list of my current plugins, the template and the other resources used for the site at the end of this post.

Right now the site is really more of a prototype or proof of concept news site. Trying to gather stories by myself is a very time consuming job (hence why there is not too much up there). To really make the site or concept work would require either a lot more time on my part, or more people doing it. I would also want the site to do more than just aggrigate the news (Planet YWAM already does some of that), there needs to be some editorial work involved, and a simple script or plugin can not do that.

Have a look at the YWAM News site and tell me what you think.

Here is the list of resources, plugins and the template that I used:

CMS / Blog Engine


  • WP Premium theme by WP Remix – Nice and clean theme with the e-mail subscription built right in. Available in three different colour variations.


Other Resources

  • Feedburner – Used for the e-mail function to send out the stories daily to anyone who subscribes in the top right of the page
  • Google Analytics – Package for the web-site to help me see the stats about what’s happening on the site
  • Host Gator – My web-site hosting, which is the only thing that I pay for on the site

I was watching this video of Seth Godin speaking about Tribes, and how they are and can be used to influence the world and create movements. It thought that it was a great talk, and a fantastic thing for us to think about for YWAM and how YWAM is, and can be a tribe.

Seth asked a few good questions, and made some good points, and I have a few of them below:

  1. Who are you upsetting (if you aren’t upsetting someone you are not challenging the status quo)?
  2. Who are you connecting?
  3. Who are you leading?

He also made some good points about leaders within the tribe and what they do:

  1. Tribe leaders challenge the status quo
  2. They build a culture
  3. They have curiosity about people inside and outside the crowd
  4. They connect people
  5. They are committed to the cause / tribe / people

YWAM has often been referred to as a tribe of people, and I reckon that Seth’s talk about it gives a great discussion point as we look at how we can as a mission continue to draw people to us who have a passion “To Know God and to Make Him Known”.

One of the exciting / challenging things that we experience serving in missions is God’s amazing provision. Since we are full time volunteers we rely fully on financial and practical gifts given to us by friends, family, churches and other organizations that believe in the work we do.

In the last week or so we have seen God provide for us in two rather unique ways…

A few friends of friends heard that we had just moved to Calgary from Australia and were setting up our house from scratch. They contacted us through our friend with offers to go through their surplus stuff and take all that we wanted! It was amazingly generous and we ended up with a van full of quality stuff to help set up our new home.

Through another friend we got invited to their church garage sale with a difference. The difference was that it was open to families in need, and everything was free! Wow! We filled the back of a pickup truck and my dad’s sedan with gear to help us out even more in setting up our house.

God is good…

We take posession of our house here in Calgary on Monday, June 1. The house is about 120 years newer than the one we left in Australia, and needs WAY less work done to it. I am looking forward to seeing how God continues to provide in His own unique way.