Welcome to my new blog, now hosted on www.billhutchison.org. I had started to loose momentum with the old site over at Journal Home because of some frustrations with the service over there, so this new site is now a self-hosted WordPress blog.

The main frustration that I was having with the old site was the random insertion of advertisements by the host. They detracted a lot from the design, which had some of my own carefully integrated ads.

WordPress offers a lot of customisation options and flexibility. I will continue to change the site as I get used to this new theme and what can be done with it.

If you are currently subscribed to the site via Feedburner RSS or e-mail updates you will continue to receive updates. If you are not already subscribed you can do so on the right hand side of this page.

Thanks for reading the site. Let me know in the comments here what you think of the new design.

Shannon Noll in TownsvilleEarlier this year we went down to the Strand here in Townsville for a welcome home concert put on for Australian Soldiers who have served overseas in the last few years. Townsville is a “garrison” city, and a lot of our troops have been in Afganistan and East Timor in the last year. The city put on a well deserved concert and parade for them.

At the concert was Shannon Noll, Claire Clarke, Garry Bradbury, 1RAR band, and Beccy Cole. The music was fantastic and the general feel at the event was one to celebrate and thank the troops and their contribution to Australia and the world.

Beccy Cole in Townsville

I think that Beccy Cole’s song “Poster Girl” highlights the general feel of most of us in Townsville towards the troops:

For that song Poster Girl Beccy Cole won three “Golden Guitars” for Single of the Year, Song of the Year and Female Artist of the Year. You can listen to more of Beccy Cole on her MySpace page here.

Note: The comedian Garry Bradbury was very inappropriate for a family event. His jokes may have been funny in the field for just the troops, but definitely not for all the kids at the event. He got very few laughs after the first few minutes.

I’ve been trying to add content and stuff onto Squidoo, which is a site that allows you to create a “lense” about specific topics. I have been creating a few lately about different things I have blogs about, or write about on other sites.

Here is a list of Squidoo Lense that I am currently working on:

  • Renovating in Australia
    This is a page that features some of my more popular posts on my Renovation Site.
  • Townsville Builder
    Our builder here in Townsville does not have a web-site. I set this page up to highlight him and some of what he has done on our house. Working with him on our house has been a real pleasurable experience so far.
  • Termite Control
    Termites are a huge problem here in Australia. This is a page with some of what I have learned about them since owning a house and property in Australia.

It is actually quite easy to set-up Squidoo lenses about pretty much anything. If you are interested in creating your own lense then head over to Squidoo and sign up.

I have a few more lenses in the works, but these are the ones I have been working on recently. One of the ones that I plan to work on soon is for myself, Bill Hutchison. Because Squidoo ranks well in the search engines I hope to be able to set up the lense for my own name to rank well in the search engines so people can find me easily on-line.

Although the video is produced for an Internet Marketing audience, it certainly fits in with asking the questions, “What does God want me to do?“.

If I were to write down the three things I’m most passionate about would be:

  1. Family
  2. Getting others involved in Christian Missions
  3. Communicating what God is doing in the Nations

What am I doing about pursuing those passions?

  1. Not enough, but trying to find the balance between quality family time and getting things done
  2. With the marketing that I do at Reef to Outback I feel this is the best way to help others find out about opportunities available in missions
  3. Web site development for Reef to Outback and YWAM as a whole to assist to communicate what God is doing

How about you, what are your top three passions and what are you doing to pursue them?

If you want to share then let us know in the comments…

Source: Ask.JoelComm.com: Are you doing what you were made to do?