Last year we had some great successes with our global communications team of about 25-people. We are a team from every continent, working from many different time zones, with unique skills and talents. Recently I received this update from our team’s project coordinator:

In 2014 we continued to develop YWAM’s website so that people looking for opportunities to get involved can do so easily and reliably.. We have responded to the many enquiries that come to our help desk each week, directing people to the places and information they require to take their next step in missions involvement. We have maintained our information database so that details about YWAM locations are as reliable as possible. We have kept YWAMers all around the world up-to-date with changes and developments within the mission, helping them understand the implications for those in their location. We have shared stories with an international audience (through social media, the e-zine, the podcast, streaming, reporting, etc) extending the reach of each location’s news through our global platforms. We have made more of YWAM’s foundational teaching available online.

The YWAM Podcasts continue to serve over 3000 people a month with the audio content that I have the privilege to produce. This includes both the YWAM News Show and the YWAM Teaching Podcast.

One of my real desires of serving in Youth With A Mission is to see people released into what God has for them. I believe that God has a plan and purpose for everyone out there, and to be able to help people discover that plan is a real blessing, and something that I have been able to do while working with this global team. This also came through from our project leader:

… every day through visitors send a total of about 49 inquiries about opportunities they find on the site. One of our goals for our global communication team is to recruit more people into God’s global purposes. God is using our efforts to direct many people every day to take their first steps into mission.

For the last few years my children have been listening to the same few podcasts. We found our favourites back in 2010, and have sticking with them ever since.

Paws and Tales PodcastBack in 2010 we were listening or watching five different podcasts:

  1. Paws and Tails
  2. Kids Corner
  3. The Official Adventures in Odyssey Podcast
  4. Karen and Kids
  5. Sesame Street Podcast (video)

Kids Corner PodcastAfter five years I thought that it would be worth looking around at what else might be out there for our kids to listen to during our car rides, or around the house…

Despite spending a long time looking, I could find nothing new that was worth listening to! This was definitely disappointing as both Kids Corner and Paws and Tales are both running reruns of their older shows, and The Official Adventures in Odyssey Podcast only releases a few free episodes a yeaAdventures in Odyssey Podcastr.

Both our oldest and our middle child have outgrown Karen and Kids and the Sesame Street Podcast, so we have stopped listening to both of those shows. It is worth noting though that both of those appear to still be producing new episodes for their podcasts.

Despite having no luck in finding new podcasts for our children to listen in 2015 I have found that the public library is a fantastic resource for audio books and programming for our kids. Through a program called OverDrive we can access all sorts of great content to listen to.


Recently we listened to the first two books of the classic Anne of Green Gables series, and our kids love the Boxcar Children series.

So between our three preferred podcasts, and the audio books available from our public library, we have done pretty well getting good, quality content for our kids to listen to.

New Testament Bible Reading PlanFinding a New Testament Bible Reading plan that wasn’t dated proved to be a lot harder than I thought. Most of the 6-Month New Testament reading plans were written to be started on the 1st of the year, but since I didn’t want to wait until January 1 to start, I quickly made one without the dates.

The reading plan will take you 180-days if you read one selection a day starting at the beginning of the New Testament.

Six Month New Testament Bible Reading Plan

Hopefully you find it helpful as well …

Download it here.

Espresso for your SpiritI have recently been reading a book called Espresso for Your Spirit: Hope and Humor for Pooped-Out Parents. I was reminded in a recent chapter of what Paul said in his letter to the  Philippians in Philippians 4:11-13.

I have learned to be content, whatever the circumstances may be. I know how to live when things are difficult and I know how to live when things are prosperous. In general and in particular I have learned the secret of … facing either plenty or poverty. I am ready for anything through the strength of the One who lives within me. (Philippians 4:11-13)

Because of my Podcast

School of PodcastingDavid Jackson, from the School of Podcasting web-site and podcast, has a segment on his podcast that highlights what people have been able to accomplish because of their podcast. It’s a great part of his show that helps his listeners to hear what can be achieved through podcasting.

While considering what I have been able to achieve through my podcast is that I have been able to share my testimony (episode 6) in 29 different countries! Many, of not most, of those countries are place that I would never have shared in if it were not for technology. Some of the countries that my testimony has been heard in are:

  • Saudi Arabia
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Iraq
  • Vietnam
  • Kazakhstan
  • Israel
  • Kuwait

I was blown away by how many countries I have in fact shared in!

Impact of the YWAM Podcasts

I was really encouraged to hear about how God is also using the YWAM Podcasts that I produce. This includes them being downloaded over 110,000 times, and some great feedback about people going into missions because of what has been shared on the podcasts …

Last month I shared how the YWAM Podcasts that I produce have been downloaded over 100,000 times (now at over 110,000). While the number of people who have listened to the podcasts excited me, what really excites me is how the podcasts impact and encourage others into missions.

This message was sent to me from a long time listener to the podcasts who has been motivated to joining missions full-time:

I just want to encourage you and to let you know you encourage me. I like the randomness of the program as well as updates and find out what is going on so I can take it to my church. It helps with mission ideas across they world and in the states. To be honest it is largely due to this podcast My wife and I are leaving My job and going to full-time mission work back with YWAM.

Hearing about people who have been motivated to go into missions, or to support missions, is always a huge encouragement …

Some of the main listeners to the podcasts are actually people who are already in Youth With A Mission and here is an example of some of the feedback I have received from them:

I am based at YWAM Sunshine Coast here in Australia and I just wanted to say thanks for producing these podcasts. I love hearing what is happening within YWAM globally as it can be so easy to get focused on our own little part of the world.

I particularly like the access you give us to hear from some of the global leaders past and present.

Being able to serve the 20,000 staff, and 200,000 yearly students and short term participants, in YWAM in this way is a huge blessing.

Finance Update

I hate sounding like “one of those” missionaries, but we are really struggling with our finances at the moment. Our currently level of monthly support is sitting around $2400 per month. This isn’t really very much, and even with some government supplemental benefits, we are barely meeting our monthly expenses at that amount.

We are feeling rather desperate to see our monthly support increase at the moment.

We would greatly appreciate it if you would join us in financially supporting and praying for the ministry that God has us involved in. It is only through that support that we can continue in full-time missions.

You can find out how to partner with us financially on the Donate page on our web-site.