Last month I shared how the YWAM Podcasts that I produce have been downloaded over 100,000 times (now at over 110,000). While the number of people who have listened to the podcasts excited me, what really excites me is how the podcasts impact and encourage others into missions.

This message was sent to me from a long time listener to the podcasts who has been motivated to joining missions full-time:

I just want to encourage you and to let you know you encourage me. I like the randomness of the program as well as updates and find out what is going on so I can take it to my church. It helps with mission ideas across they world and in the states. To be honest it is largely due to this podcast My wife and I are leaving My job and going to full-time mission work back with YWAM.

Hearing about people who have been motivated to go into missions, or to support missions, is always a huge encouragement …

Some of the main listeners to the podcasts are actually people who are already in Youth With A Mission and here is an example of some of the feedback I have received from them:

I am based at YWAM Sunshine Coast here in Australia and I just wanted to say thanks for producing these podcasts. I love hearing what is happening within YWAM globally as it can be so easy to get focused on our own little part of the world.

I particularly like the access you give us to hear from some of the global leaders past and present.

Being able to serve the 20,000 staff, and 200,000 yearly students and short term participants, in YWAM in this way is a huge blessing.

Finance Update

I hate sounding like “one of those” missionaries, but we are really struggling with our finances at the moment. Our currently level of monthly support is sitting around $2400 per month. This isn’t really very much, and even with some government supplemental benefits, we are barely meeting our monthly expenses at that amount.

We are feeling rather desperate to see our monthly support increase at the moment.

We would greatly appreciate it if you would join us in financially supporting and praying for the ministry that God has us involved in. It is only through that support that we can continue in full-time missions.

You can find out how to partner with us financially on the Donate page on our web-site.

A few weeks ago I got a fun bit of news when I logged in to post a new episode of the Youth With A Mission News Podcast. When I went to upload the 86th episode of the news show and saw that the programs I produce have been downloaded over 105,000 times!

I must admit, I got pretty excited when I saw that!

There are very few countries in the world where the content has not been downloaded:

For many years I have felt that God has been leading us to use technology to help people “To Know God and Make Him Known”, which is the motto of Youth With A Mission. When I heard my first podcast back in 2005 I knew that this was something that could be used to help people know more about God, about what is happening around the world, and how people can get involved.

I feel very blessed to be in a position where I am able to serve God and Youth With A Mission with this medium, and reach people all around the world.

My main role as a mobiliser and communicator in the field of missions is to help connect people with opportunities around the world. In Youth With A Mission alone there are over 1250 locations, all engaged in some form of mercy ministries, training, or evangelism.

Then there are many other missions organisations around the world like Act Beyond, Pioneers,  Mission Aviation Fellowship, and many more opportunities around the world for people to be involved in missions.

Connecting People to Missions and Opportunities

I believe that everyone is called to minister the Gospel, whether you do it where you are, or into the nations of the world, God has called everyone to minister …

1 Pet 3:15 (KJV) – Sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you.

This isn’t to say that everyone is meant to be a missionary, rather I believe that everyone is to be God’s hands and feet, and to bring hope and God’s truth where ever you are at.

Not called!’ did you say? ‘Not heard the call,’ I think you should say. Put your ear down to the Bible, and hear him bid you go and pull sinners out of the fire of sin. Put your ear down to the burdened, agonized heart of humanity, and listen to its pitiful wail for help. Go stand by the gates of hell, and hear the damned entreat you to go to their father’s house and bid their brothers and sisters, and servants and masters not to come there. And then look Christ in the face, whose mercy you have professed to obey, and tell him whether you will join heart and soul and body and circumstances in the march to publish his mercy to the world.” William Booth (source)

I personally believe that being a missionary is a specific call from God into full-time ministry.

I also believe that it is every Christian’s duty to give testimony to God’s love and truth where ever he has called you. God has a plan for all of us, whether it is to be a pilot, teacher, engineer, janitor, or whatever, God has a plan for us, and he wants us to do it to the best of our ability, and with a heart to hear from Him in the midst of it.

Mobilising Others to Missions

This week I had an opportunity to share with an electrical engineer with Porshe in Germany about the YWAM Vision 10810 ministry that is also located in Germany:

To design and build semi-trucks which can provide housing for a 12 person team, a full equipped stage to do evangelism and provide a place to store Bibles. These trucks would be more than just a stage. It would be a mission headquarters on wheels.

You can find out more about the Vision 10810 ministry here.

image from CommuniKty Donosti

Every once in a while I come a across a real gem when finding news from the YWAM News Podcast. Often it’s about a YWAM Ministry doing work that I didn’t know about, or wouldn’t even imagine them doing.

But sometimes I find something like this …

The video is produced by the people at YWAM Turner Valley for their School of Biblical Studies. It manages to catch so many stereo types about Canada that I just could not help laughing out loud. I think that Tamara wondered what was wrong with me as I was belly laughing while showing it to her…

Anyways, I hope that you enjoy it as much as I did!

You Are Not A Hypocrite!

Done is Better Than Perfect

One of the main reasons that I have not released a podcast in many months is that I felt I would feel like a hypocrite because I don’t have it all together. I have ideas about what I want to do, how I want to grow, and what I think I “should” do, but I am constantly falling short …

King David – A Man After God’s Own Heart and a Sinner

David’s (major) Sins

  • 2 Samuel 11
    David sleeps with Bathsheba and then has her husband Uriah killed
  • 1 Chronicles 21
    David Sins by Counting Israel

A Man after God’s Own Heart (source)

  • Humble
  • Reverent
  • Respectful
  • Trusting of God
  • Loved God
  • Devoted to God
  • Recognised God in all things
  • Faithful
  • Obedient
  • Repentant

YWAM Value #12 – Do First, Then Teach

YWAM is committed to doing first, then teaching. We believe that first-hand experience gives authority to our words. Godly character and a call from God are more important than an individual’s gifts, abilities and expertise.

Feeding My Faith Podcast

Feeding My Faith Podcast

Latest YWAM News Podcast

YWAM Podcast Episode 083

Image from Facebook Posters under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 licence.