Presenting the Gospel in a cross cultural context can be challenging. It’s challenging enough to present it to our neighbours, much less to someone who has none of the same cultural or national experiences that we do.

Some of the best ways that you can prepare yourself for the cross cultural mission field is through:


Equip2Go is a great resource for finding relevant, contextualised resources for presenting the Gospel. Contectualising does not mean watering down the Gospel, but presenting it in a way that is understandable to the cultural you are speaking to.

There are training opportunities through Equip2Go, and a large selection of resources including:

  • Films
  • Music Videos
  • Audio Tools
  • Colouring Books
  • Manga
  • Story Books
  • more …

So check it out at and let me know what you think. Are these resources that could help you with cross-cultural missions?

The last few months have been busy as we have been developing a new online electronic magazine for the mission. The vision that we have for the magazine is three fold:

  • Multiply engagement with missions
  • Increase ministry effectiveness
  • Foster spiritual vitality

It has been fun to see the first edition of the magazine released with team members coming together from the USA, Switzerland, Spain, and India to put it together. It featured some great stories from one of the pioneers in the ministry, Al Akimoff.

We had some great feedback from this email:

What a great start!  Well done, I really like this and have just spent 15 minutes forwarding it to people whom I think will really enjoy this.  Thank you SO MUCH.

Fantastic! Thanks so much and God bless you guys in this new endeavour!

Thank you for sending me my first YWAM Voices. I look forward to continuing to be blessed in this way in the future.

You can actually check out the first edition of YWAM Voices here.

If it is something that you want to receive yourself you can subscribe on the YWAM Voices Subscription page.

We will be producing the electronic magazine every other month with input from our YWAM elders. My role on the team is mostly in the technical aspects including managing the mailing lists and formatting the magazine template and photos.

Remote Medical ClinicMissionaries are often exposed to health issues while working on the field that are not common in our own “home” counties. While I reckon you would have a hard time finding a missionary who has not at some point suffered from dysentery, there are many other health concerns that missionaries have the possibility of experiencing.

Member Care Media is a ministry of Trans World Radio that desires to prepare cross-cultural Christian workers to help them fulfil the Great Commission. Their web-site is full of some great resources dealing with:

  • Emotional Health
  • Leadership
  • Communications
  • Cross Cultural Issues
  • more …

A section that they want to add to their website is a new section on health issues face by missionaries, mostly geared towards people working in the out of the way places. They are wanting input from missionaries around the world with what topics should be included. Here is a statement that they sent me about it:

I’m trying to make a topic list that is truly relevant to the needs of those we are trying to help (missionaries). I thought I would ask for your thoughts on the subject. With all your contacts through YWAM, what health issues do you see as being of most concern to missionaries and expat Christian workers?

We are working with an international Christian health organization in developing the series, and they are fact checking and double checking the medical contents of the scripts. When done these features will be available as audio files, text transcripts, podcasts, etc.

From your perspective what health issues do you see as being of prime concern to yourselves, and to people you know … or for others you have contact with?

Any ideas? Suggestions? Other thoughts?

To help gather the best feedback I can for this great new series on health I wanted to put the questions out to as many people as possible.

I would really appreciate you taking the time to fill out your thoughts, questions, ideas, and suggestions in the comments below. Let’s do what we can to make this a resource that can really serve missionaries on the field …

Photo via World Bank Photo Collection

The idea that you need to be a “Super Christian” to do Christian Missions can be a major hindrance for people as they try to pursue God’s plan for their life. God does not look at your experience, but He looks at your heart.

When I first came to Australia in June 1998 I was actually quite scared that I would not be “Christian” enough or have enough knowledge for my Discipleship Training School. I was actually surprised when I was accepted for the course, and half expected them to think they made a mistake when I arrived and they saw how little my knowledge of the basic tenets of Christianity were. As you can see, I was a little green …

Bill in 1998In this episode of the Accidental Missionary Podcast I talk a bit about my fears in coming to do a Discipleship Training School, and what I feel God has to say to people who think they are too inexperienced or too young in their Faith for God to use them.

Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. (1 Timothy 4:12 NIV)

Max Lucado - Cast of CharactersI recently listened to a book by Max Lucado called Cast of Characters: Common People in the Hands of an Uncommon God. It was a really good book that talked about how God used people like us to fulfil His plans and purposes.

Like how God used those people in the Bible for His purposes, He also has a plan for you. You just need to trust in Him, and take the next step …


After spending the past 12-months working with a team from nine different locations, in six different countries, last month we launched the new Youth With A Mission Worldwide web-site at

There were 26 of us working on the site, each with our own specialities and responsibilities. It has been a great team to work with and many of are going to continue on the new site adding content and features as time goes on.

Below is the official announcement about the new site…

We’re excited to announce that we’ve just launched a new version of Please have a look and tell us what you think.

This new offers:

  • A simple design focused on helping visitors take action.
  • A smartphone and tablet-friendly layout. The site will shrink to fit almost any device.
  • A map that shows all public YWAM locations.
  • New content areas such as Know God, Make God Known, For Parents, and For YWAMers.
  • A lot more personal touch. We now provide a thank-you email to everyone who inquires and our Help Desk team seeks to answers questions within 48 hours.

Check out the new web-site at