Although the video is produced for an Internet Marketing audience, it certainly fits in with asking the questions, “What does God want me to do?“.

If I were to write down the three things I’m most passionate about would be:

  1. Family
  2. Getting others involved in Christian Missions
  3. Communicating what God is doing in the Nations

What am I doing about pursuing those passions?

  1. Not enough, but trying to find the balance between quality family time and getting things done
  2. With the marketing that I do at Reef to Outback I feel this is the best way to help others find out about opportunities available in missions
  3. Web site development for Reef to Outback and YWAM as a whole to assist to communicate what God is doing

How about you, what are your top three passions and what are you doing to pursue them?

If you want to share then let us know in the comments…

Source: Are you doing what you were made to do?

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One Response to Are You Doing What God Wants You To Do?

  1. Justin long says:

    1. Research to discover new things about the unreached.
    2. Advocacy to be a voice for the unreached
    3. Mobilizing new workers for the unreached (aiming for 150,000)
    4. Training to equip new workers to be effective.

    What am I doing
    1. Devoting quality time to research (equivalent of at least one day a week if not more)
    2. Writing on, talking via twitter and Facebook, attending conferences
    3. Developing mobilization tools and networks and strategies
    4. plus writings on blog

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